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Ceiling Fan Energy Savings


Ceiling fans can reduce your air conditioning needs while still keeping you cool in the summer.

Ceiling fans are a common sight for many of us, especially in the South.  While they may seem redundant in buildings with good air conditioning, ceiling fans can not only help keep you cool, they can also reduce the amount of electricity your air conditioner requires.  To get the most efficiency out of your ceiling fans, however, you must use them properly.

The first thing to keep in mind is that the way a ceiling fan keeps you cool is different from your air conditioner.  An air conditioner pulls in air first and removes the heat and moisture to lower its temperature.  It then sends the colder air back out into your home.  By adding cooler air to an enclosed space, the overall air temperature drops and the room is cooler.  On the other hand, a ceiling fan cools you by blowing air over your skin.  This increases evaporation and makes you feel cooler, but the air temperature of the area stays the same.  This means that ceiling fans are only effective if there are people in the room.  A ceiling fan blowing down on an empty room is a waste of resources.

When you are in a room while a ceiling fan is in use the cooling effect can be very noticeable.  This means you can turn the AC’s thermostat up and still feel comfortable, cutting costs.  It is estimated you can cut your air conditioning bill by 15% when using ceiling fans efficiently.

Although we don’t often think about it, ceiling fans can also be used to better heat a home.  In the warmer months, ceiling fans should be set to rotate in a counterclockwise direction, pushing the air downward to cool you.  In the winter, you can reverse the motor and operating the ceiling fan in a clockwise direction.  This pulls air up and forces warmer air near the ceiling down into the room.  Because of this, you should always check that the fan is blowing in the proper direction each season!

In any season, it’s easy to turn on a ceiling fan and simply leave the room without thinking about it, especially if the fan is operated by a pull chain.  Connecting a ceiling fan to the switches near doors or adding remote controls is a good way to make sure that turning off the fan when you leave the room is simple and convenient.

If you’re thinking of adding or upgrading your ceiling fans, give McCauley Electrical Service a call at (678) 324-3117.  We’ll be happy to discuss installing ceiling fans or new ways to control them in your home or business.