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Have An Energy Efficient Summer


Here are some tips on being energy efficient this summer

Being energy efficient is a great way to save money this summer. With the money you save on your utility bills you can go out and have some fun in the sun this summer. Let’s start in the kitchen. On a hot summer day, who wants to spend all day “slaving over a hot stove?”  Summer is a great time for quick and easy meals. When thinking of ways to save on your energy bill, consider cooking in your microwave.  According to the consumer energy center, your microwave uses two-thirds less energy than your stove. So it’s okay to be a speedy chef.  It is also wise to stock up your fridge for the summer.  Having a full fridge keeps it from warming up too fast when the door is open.  Just fill it with healthy snacks.

Another way to be energy efficient is to stop “busting those suds.”  Your kids will be happy when you tell them to use the dishwasher, it uses less water than hand washing.  Also, conserve energy by running your dishwasher only when it’s fully loaded, and turn off the dry cycle. Let those dishes air-dry and go outside and enjoy the summer weather.   While you’re out, set your prgrammable thermostat to 85 degrees or off. The use of ceiling or room fans and your thermostat set to 78 degrees is your best option when your home.  The movement of air caused by the fan will allow you to set the thermostat higher as well as cool the room. The higher you set your thermostat the more you’ll save.  The consumer energy center tells us that for each degree your thermostat is set above 72, you will have a 1-3% savings.

Summertime usually brings about electricity outages due to over usage of your appliances.  To help prevent outages, it’s best to avoid running them during peak hours, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. or when an electricity emergency is declared.  To be energy efficient when doing your laundry, wash in warm or cold water and rinse in cold water.  This will save you 4%.  Whenever possible line dry your clothes and bring in the scents of outdoors, while saving money at the same time.  When you use your dryer make sure you dry full loads of laundry. Use the moisture-sensing setting and clean out the lint trap.

A general rule of thumb when attempting to be energy efficient is to turn off all appliances, lights and equipment when you’re not using them.  This will save you 2%.  Also, did you know that most new electronics use electricity even when they are switched off?  Therefore, it is best to unplug all electric devices and chargers when you aren’t using them.

The professionals at McCauley Electrical Service want you to have a happy, safe and energy efficient summer.  They offer a free consultation where they can help you make energy smart and long term home improvement decisions that will save you money.  Use these basic summer energy saving tips and call McCauley Electric today for your FREE QUOTE today!