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Home Winterizing


Let the home winterizing begin!

Jack Frost has set up residence all over the country, causing snow storms and ice to form everywhere. Even the deep south can’t escape this winter weather. That means your home might need winterizing. In Atlanta, we are used to the occasional ice storm or a few flurries, but not temperatures as low as 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Did you know that winter damage to your home can actually cause electrical issues? Check out this helpful list to make sure your home is protected against the cold. Let’s see how home winterizing can prevent costly repairs and save money.

Insulating your pipes is the most important thing any home owner can do against cold temperatures. Heat tape is a good start to covering your exposed pipes so they don’t freeze and burst. It is very important that you follow the directions as they are provided on the heat tape as not to cause any unwanted damage. You should also wrap exposed pipes in elastomeric rubber pipe insulation for further protection. This is good for all pipes, especially your hot and cold water piping. If you do this before winter you are ahead of things, but there is still time to prevent ice from forming on your pipes. Wrapping your pipes is easy and affordable, much less costly than repair pipes after they burst and flood your home with water. Plus you don’t want to pay for mold mediation if your home if flooded.

Block the leaks in your home. In some of our previous blog posts, we mentioned leaks around electrical outlets and switches. Now coming full circle, if you block leaks around the home you can keep cold air from entering the home and maintain the warm air inside. Closing the gaps behind outlets and switches with weather-resistant caulking can fix this issue.

How many times do you check your furnace during the course of a year? It’s always important to check the furnace to see if the fluids are good and if the filter needs changing. Not changing the filter, which is a minor maintenance chore, can cause the heating and cooling system to backup and break. You don’t want dust and other particles to clog the system. No one needs a broken furnace right now. Also, you can help your water heater by wrapping it in an insulation blanket for energy efficiency.

Some of you out there may have a space heater in the home. These can be helpful, but also very dangerous if not used with caution. Please remember to keep all space heaters upright when they are in operation. The space heater should be at least three feet away from all materials such as curtains, upholstery and any other cloth material that can cause a fire. Use an extension cord for safety. You want to be warm, but not that warm.

Now you are equipped with valuable home winterizing tips. Remember, if you need electrical repair services, call McCauley Electric at (678) 324-3117 for a FREE QUOTE!