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Use A Surge Protector To Ward Off Power Surges


Keep your electronics safe with a surge protector

Storms are afoot this time of year. Are your electrical devices protected? Having the proper surge protector can save your devices from lightning strikes and power surges. Tornadoes can blow down power lines, causing a huge power surge throughout your neighborhood or entire area. Just a couple weeks ago and even last week, we witnessed what strong winds and heavy rain can accomplish in destroying a home. Trees were turned over on their sides and power lines were down causing transformers to blow. Using a surge protector for all of your important electrical devices can help you save on money.

A power surge is self-explanatory – it is a rapid increase in electrical current (more than three nanoseconds). The average home has an electrical current of 120 volts maximum. During a power surge the volts rise above the allotted 120 volts causing electronic devices to receive a shock of current. This sudden increase in electricity can cause electronics to burn out. Essentially it’s too much electrical pressure on the device. Surge protection is a simple step to keeping your electronics safe at all times, not just during storm seasons.

Sometimes your home can experience small power failures that can affect your devices. For example, a black out or a brown out. These miniature power issues can still cause great damage over time. Brownouts represent a drop in electrical current while blackouts are total loss in electrical current. That’s why it is best practice as a home owner to have a heavy-duty surge suppressors on our electrical panel. Those repeat offenders can make equipment breakdown do to wear and tear.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your valuable electronic devices. Who wants to replace a broken tablet or laptop? Always be mindful to plug your devices into a proper surge protector. Call McCauley Electrical Service (678) 324-3117 at for any questions regarding power surges and surge protection.